A Mile in Dalanie’s Shoes

Oh, yes! It is getting closer and the competition is increasing as more applications start rolling in! Dalanie is a self proclaimed tomboy. She is also a bow hunter, drummer and seemingly all around bad-ass with a kind, soft nature. The beauty of this process is being around all of this young adult INDIVIDUALS who have expressed themselves in writing and given us (and eventually you) a glimpse into their world! I have been blown away by the personalities who will soon be contributing to society. Here is a little sneak peak for you. Oh, and her band will be playing for part of the evening during the show! Don’t miss it! Thursday November 5th from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Steaming Bean in Durango.

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine

Photo Divine


  1. Brittany Montoya · September 15, 2015 Reply

    These pictures are amazing. I hope Chloe turns out even half as awesome as you are.

    Also, love the shot of you looking down your bow. It’s my favorite.

  2. Anonymous · September 15, 2015 Reply

    Thank you so much!! Beautiful pictures, you captured her personality so well.

  3. Anonymous · November 4, 2015 Reply

    This young lady truly is a “badass”. What an amazing well rounded young lady. Smart, crafted, we’ll traveled and just awesome. The pictures explain her so well.

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