Woowza! Wesley and I are so excited for the upcoming 3rd annual “Your Mama’s a SuperHERo” Show. We went out on a limb this year and proposed to any mom interested in participating to embrace their “Mom bodies” and pose nude or semi-nude for this year’s show. After one week of advertising this opportunity we had 30 Mom’s show interest and within 10 days had 20 Moms write in their responses to this years questionnaire to fill our 20 available spaces. We were so surprised and completely stoked. We are very proud of this show and the bravery each Mom stepped into to participate. Some Moms came alone to be photographed. Some Moms came with their children and then were photographed alone. There are 30 pieces to this years show. Those moms that brought their children have in photo featured with their children and a solo photo to be paired with their insight to motherhood and body image. The photos below are not going to be in the show but we wanted to share a bit of the work we have done over the past two months. Stay tuned more to come and don’t miss the opening night to celebrate these SueperHERos on May 1st at the Lost Dog from 5 to 8 p.m.