Body Image,Children,couples,Families,Maternity,Moms,Newborns,Personal,Women Baby Mae Judith We got our girl! I have never seen anything like it. Wesley labored for 56 hours at home. We had…
Body Image,Children,Families,Maternity,Moms,Newborns,Women Your Mama’s A SuperHERo sneak peek Woowza! Wesley and I are so excited for the upcoming 3rd annual "Your Mama's a SuperHERo" Show. We went out…
Children,Families,Moms,Women The Shaw Gals There are a certainly women who I aspire to be more like. Francesca Shaw is one of these women. I…
Families,Moms,Personal Our Mom Judith Susan Jackson This post has been hard to write and it feels necessary to share, because we have endured a significant loss.…
Children,Families,Moms My Heart and Soul Here we are approaching the end of September. My heart hurts for two reasons. It always aches a little when…
Moms Did you make your mom a card? I get so excited going through old photo albums. The photo on the left I found the other day. It…