In March of this year the Women’s Resource Center sponsored a film at D.A.C. called “The Empowerment Project”, a documentary about a group of women interviewing other amazing women all over the country. We were invited to watch the film and speak about our own empowerment film, ExposurSELF thanks to the lovely Liz Mora who is all about promoting local gals and their awesomeness. One of the women in the film was Molly Barker, the founder of Girls on the Run. At the time, I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with my daughter, Mae. I didn’t know that I would be having a little girl, but I fell in love with the Girls on the Run mission… “We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.” When Kyla’s friend Francesca asked if we would volunteer to take photos at the Durango Girls on the Run event at Fort Lewis College, we jumped at the opportunity. It is right up our ally for promoting healthy body and self image and it reaches a younger audience, which is soooooo important! Plus, Mae joined in on the fun, she watched all the little ladies have a blast and she definitely would have ran with them if she knew how!
The event was a huge success. There were 400 girls from all different schools in the area. Over 150 Teachers, parents, grandparents and siblings all ran with their girls and there were long lines of cheering spectators. If that doesn’t make you feel like a rockstar, I don’t know what does!!! Congratulations to all the runners and their supporters! Girls On The Run IS SO MUCH FUN!