couples,Events,Families,Weddings What happens when you have a wedding full of “Hart?”… Well, let's put together a recipe. First find a perfect pair. Add a bit of rock star, some candy, a…
Body Image,Families,Scholarship,Seniors,Women A Mile in Tierzah’s Shoes I love this sassy, elegant lady! Tierzah is one of our "A Mile in My Shoes" applicants for this year.…
Children,Families,Moms,Newborns Welcome to the world baby T! I was so excited to meet this baby! Wesley and I adore "The Smiths" and have had the privilege to…
Children,Families,Moms,Women Tirzah Style Tirzah applied to be part of our Mother's Day show this year. We also got her permission to video the…
Body Image,Children,couples,Families,Maternity,Moms,Newborns,Personal,Women Baby Mae Judith We got our girl! I have never seen anything like it. Wesley labored for 56 hours at home. We had…
Body Image,Children,Families,Maternity,Moms,Newborns,Women Your Mama’s A SuperHERo sneak peek Woowza! Wesley and I are so excited for the upcoming 3rd annual "Your Mama's a SuperHERo" Show. We went out…
Body Image,Families,Maternity,Personal Due Date and a Full Moon Rising You would think that if a baby were due to be born on a full moon lunar eclipse the power…
Children,couples,Families Miles Grandparent’s visit him in Durango, CO Erin and I grew up together. We have had the pleasure of skinny dipping in ditches under moonlight, sleeping on…
Children,Families,Moms,Women The Shaw Gals There are a certainly women who I aspire to be more like. Francesca Shaw is one of these women. I…
Families,Moms,Personal Our Mom Judith Susan Jackson This post has been hard to write and it feels necessary to share, because we have endured a significant loss.…